If you need to buy angle heads for your industrial business in the U.S., Canada, or Central or South America, explore the vast inventory at Euro-Technics, Inc. Our precision angle heads can be effective and efficient for a variety of different industries including:
The innovative designs from Euro-Technics, Inc., are useful for creative manufacturing solutions for your current application. We will help you achieve your goals by turning your concept into a reality.
Our quality angle heads are manufactured with precision and accuracy. Throughout the manufacturing process, we check our products for quality and functionality metrics to ensure you get more longevity when you buy from us. Additionally, our angle heads are made to conform to all types of machines.
To review a comprehensive list of the benefits and improved designs of our angle heads, view the diagram below or download the angle heads brochure.
Euro-Technics, Inc., has been an important branch of Madaula S.A. for the past 20 years. Our manufacturing solutions are the product of our extensive expertise and experience in the industry. We have a tradition and passion for precision, making us a leader in the industry.
We also provide an outlet for engineers and technicians to work together to provide solutions. We use our knowledge to help our clients find custom products and creative solutions to increase productivity and machine efficacy.
To speak to a member of our friendly and professional team, call our office at (847) 426-8000 or call our mobile line at (847) 975-6030. You can also reach us via our online contact form. Our team of experts is anxious to talk with you and help find innovative solutions for your industrial machinery questions and problems.
All type of tapers and norms available
Tous types de cônes et des normes disponibles
Alle Arten von Werkzeugaufnahmen verfügbar
0-360º Fully adjustable graduated ring
0-360º einstellbarer Teilungsring
High precision P4 quality preloaded bearings
Roulements de haute précision préchargés
P4 Qualität von hoher Präzision
Improved sealing design combining a labyrinth
and optimized friction seals to get hermetically
sealed spindles
Amélioration de la conception de l’étanchéité
en combinant un labyrinthe et joints à friction
optimisée pour obtenir une parfaite étanchéité
Verbesserte Konzeption der Abdichtung, welche
durch die Kombination eines Labyrinths mit
reibungsoptimierten Dichtungen erreicht wird,
um hermetisch abgedichtete Spindeln zu erhalten
Multiple output options
Multiples options de sortie
Viele Möglichkeiten der Werkzeugaufnahme
Primary labyrinth seal
Joint à labyrinthe primaire
Primäre Labyrinthdichtung
High grade synthetic grease for long life lubrication
Lubrification à la graise à longue durée de vie
Hochwertiges synthetisches Schmierfett für eine Lebensdauerschmierung
Automatic index arm
Doigt d’indexation automatique
Automatische Indexierung
Modular group with multiple index arm
distance options
Groupe modulaire avec multiples
options de distance du doigt d’indexation
Baukastensystem mit mehreren Indexierungsabstands-
Hand matched or ground spiral bevel gears to
minimize backlash
Smooth and quiet running with higher torque
Engrenages conique-spirales rectifiés
ou rodés pour un jeu minimale.
Fonctionnement souple et silencieux avec
un couple élevé
Manuelle Abstimmung oder Spiralkegelgetriebe
um das Spiel zu reduziere. Sanfte und leise
Arbeitsvorgänge bei höherem Drehmoment
Hardened aluminium bodies for light heads
Steel bodies for heavy heads
Bodies machined from a solid block
Corps en aluminium durci pour les têtes légères
Corps en acier pour les têtes lourdes
Corps usinés du massif
Gehärtete Aluminium-Gehäuse für leichte Köpfe
Stahlgehäuse für schwere Köpfe
Gehäuse bearbeitet aus einem Block
Available with coolant through the spindle
Disponible avec passage du liquide de refroidissement
à travers de la broche
Axiale Kühlmittelzufuhr möglich
Surface for an easy alignment
Surface pour un alignement facile
Passfläche für eine einfache Ausrichtung